Watch the intriguing Medical Affairs Professional Society (MAPS) webinar led by Amedea Pharma, titled: "Metrics Evolution from Taboo to Treasure"
An intriguing in-person, hands-on workshop with a practical Medical Productivity Index (MPI) Case Study Presentation - one of the most trending, highly engaging, popular sessions at the 2022 Global MAPS Meeting!
In-depth systematic review of gaps and novel, more continuous vs. episodic approaches to capturing more context and reducing bias when evaluating Medical Education across all channels of communication including social media.
Recent MAPS (Medical Affairs Professional Society) Webinar
MAPS Global Webinar Producer and Moderator
Webinar Title: Transforming Medical Insights into Strategy, Engagement, and Value. Novel Language Intelligence (LI) software using natural language processing (NLP) / artificial intelligence (AI) powered by Sorcero, Inc.
Amedea Pharma's 2021 Analysis of organizational structure, operations, training, learning and development resources, budget, and launch planning of 21 pharma and drug device companies globally for Medical Affairs Professional Society (MAPS)
New 2022 Metrics/KPI Benchmark Report is in progress - stay tuned!
New Amedea Pharma score that evaluates publications along the basic science - real world evidence spectrum with improved methodology and increased immediate applications for Market Access, Health Economics, Business Development, Medical Affairs, as well as Clinical Development or even Drug Discovery over various journal impact factor scores
Transformational evidence and momentum generation and strategy during challenging launch of next-generation product vs. established market leader
Medical Affairs Culture Initiative Leadership
Validated Prospective Company Culture Scores
L & D
MA-wide Insights Definitions, Communication Plan across functions, Analysis, Management
Training Course to generate more Actionable Insights
MA-wide Insights& Sentiment Analysis Dashboard Customization
Quarterly Insights and Sentiment Analysis across functions, products, their life cycles, therapeutic areas, and geographies/ecosystems
State of the Art Scientific Conference Coordination
Extensive, interactive 2-day training program in a hands-on case study format
Update and maintain internal policies consistent with changing ecosystem and evolving channels or technologies of communication
Decrease the number of intersections between functions to accelerate time-sensitive communications
Align incentives and awards across Sales and Medical Functions to foster higher cross-functional collaboration
Meeting Facilitation 1/2 day training program aimed at making virtual and live meetings more memorable, productive, engaging and insightful.
Implement more proactive, continuous real-time feedback approaches for the most innovative, time-efficient and productive hiring, interviewing, and on-boarding approaches
Training Program to encourage more professional and productive Debate, Courageous Conversations, Giving and Receiving Feedback, rewarding Diversity and Inclusion of people and ideas to foster Innovation and a healthy Culture of Communication.
Brief course built on real world case studies that consists of four parts: 1) Giving Yourself Permission; 2) Recovering Fast; 3) Finding a Support Network or Partner; and 4) Art of Visualization aimed at mastering creating momentum for yourself as an individual or for your team regardless of adversity, resources, or environment
Lead an annual internal month-long MA multi-stage asynchronous Ideation Competition Event that will culminate with LiveStream debates with award recognition for winning ideas, position statements, proof of principle concepts, or study designs, among others
Create and manage a general annual Medical Affairs Awards committee with criteria and certificates to recognize winning individuals and teams across a diverse set of metrics and outcomes across the functions (Field Medical, Medical Education, etc.) for their efforts throughout the year
Build an Internal MA Training Course on Performance Metrics and Outcomes Measurement and Communication
Updated bi-annually or annually
Extensive interviews by individual MA function to assess how current metrics and workflow relate to MA and corporate strategy or outcomes and close uncovered gaps
Report bi-annual recommendations for changes to MA strategy, workflow, metrics, and outcomes based on the results of the studies for each of the individual functions and the entire MA organization
Conduct a baseline Metrics Scoring Assessment across the different functions to generate a before / after intervention study as well as annual Metrics Scoring self-assessments to evaluate relevance, predictability, and translational value of its metrics
With experience as Global Chair of the Medical Affairs Professional Society (MAPS) and other notable programs in the industry, coordinate and manage an internal Mentorship / Sponsorship Program at your company to drive engagement, collaboration, learning and development, and talent retention
Develop a customized standard Medical Productivity Index (MPI) for the entire MA organization as well as for individual Field Medical Affairs, Medical Information, Medical Education, Publications, and Training functions which will include team metrics, list of activities ranked by impact, and qualitative outcomes trackers in one single database or CRM program
Coordinate the design and the distribution of all 1-minute 10 question Internal and 1-minute 5 question External Stakeholder Performance and Behavior Surveys based on criteria and frequency for individuals to survey
Manage the reporting and quarterly analysis for MPI including all survey data
Build a standard Medical Affairs Metrics Playbook / Guidance document and Training program along with customized shorter chapters or individual corresponding Metrics Playbooks / Workbooks for the Field Medical Affairs, Medical Information, Medical Education, and Publications functions, etc.
Updated bi-annually or annually as appropriate
Conduct at least 1 case study in a pre-selected function (e.g. Field Medical Affairs, Medical Education) per quarter and 1 at the end of the year per entire Medical Affairs organization to evaluate the relationship between activities reported and outcomes
This DeepMetrics analysis will generate extensive sets of data, thus grow the value proposition of each corresponding MA function, and lead to more accurate forecasting and improved MA strategy for the following quarters and year ahead
Conduct a workflow analysis at least once a quarter in a pre-selected function to evaluate a relationship between workflow and metrics and outcomes
This will ensure strategy, goals, and expectations align to the real world operations and activities, and therefore will be more likely to achieve